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Friday, November 19, 2004

Another Friday

It's my 3rd friday since I started my blogspot...and everyfriday I'm in different situation but the bottomline is I'm sad...sad in a way that my past, (which is not so long ago) still haunts me...I guess I have overcome the missing him symdrome. The feeling now is more of realization. A combined feeling of will I regret or won't I regret loving someone with all my heart, in all honesty inspite of his limitations..I've been so blinded for the longest time.... I thought he loves me....well I know his not worthy of all these resentments. but after all those kindness that I've shown him , I realized I've been maltreated. And sometimes I blame myself for still treating him nice, after he broke up with me...the break up is close to two months old, and the longer I am separated from him, the more I realized how incompatible we are, and how unworthy he is. It's not a good feeling that you let yourself really very close to someone whom you've thought loves you. Sometimes I wish I can get even...but a part of me still reserve a space for him...that he was once a friend too. and besides this feeling is just temporary... soon i will overcome this..

so now it's 6pm..I know I'll be sad in a minute or for an Hour. It will eventually fade afterwards...then I'll be happier again for the new things in my life...I mean I'm learning to count my blessings, focus my happiness to my life now that I'm leading the right path. Friday will always come.....and I believe one beautiful friday, I won't be like this again....

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