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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Talking about dogs

Dogs Dogs Dogs.... I know not everybody that co-exists with me understands what I really enjoy....I am happy living my life with my dogs.....I can't even notice that I was alone for quite a long time now.... I am becoming systematic because of them... When Peso became constantly constipated, and developed perinial hernia afterwards, I decided to do the right thing so that Peso can always make popo without fear and pressure, anywhere or everywhere he likes..... I made it a commitment to pick up the popo where ever we are with or without someone watching us.... so when ever my dog and I go out to stroll I always bring papers with me. Because Peso needs daily exercize I decided to wake up early and set 530-630 am as our stroll or "walk the dog" schedule, this new activity is good not only for Peso but also for me.... I have a daily exercise and I will not need to worry about getting late for work. I set my alarm clocks at 4 am but I really get up at 5am, I pray the rosary with Peso beside me and then we dress up for our morning stroll. when I arrived home, I made it a point to bring out the dog to stroll as early as I can, then I will prepare dinner and then prepare to sleep so that we can wake up early again the following day.... I am enjoying this minor changes in my life...and I guess my dogs love it when I give them quality time....really my dogs are my angels in disguise....

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